Women tend not to know what a 'normal' vagina looks or feels like. After all, we don't compare our vaginas with our girlfriends'. And without any point of comparison, some women worry that theirs is not normal in some way.
The truth is that there's no such thing as a 'normal' vagina. They are unique to each woman, so if your vagina is healthy and functional, then it's normal.
There are some vaginal conditions that can have a huge impact on your life even when your vagina is normal. Vaginal dryness is one of these problems. It's not unusual—or even uncommon—and it can happen even when your vagina is otherwise healthy.
In this article we will look at the causes of vaginal dryness, when it's normal or when you should seek medical attention, and how it's treated.
For some of the most effective treatments, you don't even need to see your GP.